Field Maps for (relational) Data Services

MySQL     |     PostgreSQL     |     SQL Server     |     Azure SQL

Why Field Maps?

I was looking for something which (a) enables field teams, (b) streamline current data, and (c) is easy to step through quickly. In GIS world, term Field Mapping is used for somewhat similar intent. And hence reference to Field Maps for (relational) Data Services.

Field Maps is a quick and easy way to map Foundational topics (features in a data tech/service) and as Well Architected Framework ( pillar features.

Field Map, or not, how it helps me?

5R’s of Cloud Migration are almost public domain knowledge now (link). Same goes for Well Architected Framework (WAF) with every cloud provider having it.

If I put my business hat on, 5R’s and WAF pillars (e.g. cost, security) provides a strong framework on migration decisions (and success). Beyond that, understanding of core tech/service is critical - as a Customer, Architect or Partner.

  • If considering Rehost, one need to be aware of stack of features available across 5 WAF pillars.
  • If considering Refactor, one need to intimately understand key dev features and integration feaures available.
  • If considering Rearchitect, one need to make decisions on features to part ways with, and what’s available.
  • If considering Rebuild, one need to understand platform and scale options for what pathways (now & future) are available.
  • If considering Replace, one need to understand baseline features and how the target solution would meet or exceed.

Firm understanding on Foundations and key WAF pillar features underpin all migration pathways.
And that’s where the challenge is:

  • If I start with skilling resource (say MSFT Learn) – they are too structured / sequential and less on details.
  • If I go to Product Documentation – it’s (for right reasons) wide and spread out.
  • If I go to blogs - I need to know who to read - plus the content could be dated.

Everyone’s learning path is personal to them. I prefer being able to go to the source. I as well want to be able to do it quickly. Field Map offers a good balance on this. Am not influenced by interpretations. It’s presented as one pager map. And I can go deeper on topics straight (mostly) from Product Documentation.

How do I use these Field Maps?

Start with any of the one-pager field maps linked above. Each has

  • Foundational topics mapped out if you are just starting
  • References if you are in the Field and need to roll with some artefacts right away
  • Five well architect framework related content is presented in order if you want to cover everything. Alternatively, jump to a specific pillar - perhaps as your conversation starter for problem/conversation at hand (and pull in other pillars eventually).

Who owns these Field Maps?

Legally - no body (or entity). I intend to keep these current to best I can (and shared here) – but I don’t intend to suggest these are owned. At best, I see them as pointer to Product and Vendor Documentation / knowledge - just catalogued differently to provide a convenient start line!

You are welcome to use these one-pagers as you see fit – for reference, exchange, circulation, baseline against etc. If you put in an attribution, I would welcome that as it helps it reach more people. But beyond that, I don’t intend to track attributions. If possible, let me know if something’s broken (say, links). As well (hoping it’s not just me who benefits), I will be joyous if you shared how these are of help to you.

Last update: 2022-08-01