Azure Synapse - Optimize SQL Pools - Design

How to optimize performance with dedicated sql pool?



(Hash) Distributed Tables

  • Distributed Table Guidance
  • Table size >2GB. Suited with frequent Insert, Update, Delete.
  • Choose a distribution column that
    • minimize data movement (used in JOIN, GROUP BY, DISTINCT, OVER, HAVING. Not in WHERE, or Date. Exact datatype)
    • minimize data skew (across distributions, think cardinality, no NULLS or few atleast, not a date column)
      • minimum 60*10 distinct values. UniqueIDs arent great distribution keys
    • maximizes balanced execution (query design, using distributed nodes and distributions. WHERE on HASH key will cause unbalanced exec.)
  • Check Data Skew (DBCC PDW_SHOWSPACEUSED, vTableSizes), check query plan for data movement
  • Resolve a distribution column problem (sometimes by recreating table as temp table with different distribution - for large queries)
  • Limitation of using IDENTITY Column with Dedicated Tables

Round Robin Tables

  • Each table is divided evenly across 60 distributions. Data distributed in round robin fashion across the distributions.
  • Each distribution holds unique data, and can be partitioned – each distribution has it’s own partitioned table.
  • Good for data loading, or when there’s no good distribution key or static data tables (larger than replicate capacity)
  • Will always incur data movement, except when JOIN with REPLICATE or single table SELECT
  • Note that Data Skew is not a challenge with Round Robin tables

Replicated Table

  • Guidance
  • Initially stored as round robin, with complete table cached to each compute node (and on first distribution of the node)
  • Modifications to table (DML, DDL) or database scaling invalidates cached replicate table. Can be partitioned.
  • Table size <2GB. Check for BroadcastMoveOperation in sys.dm_pdw_request_steps to find where replicated table should be created.
  • Dont use if
    • there’s frequent data / table changes
    • there’s frequent scaling leading to replicate tables rebuild
    • table has large number of columns - in such case instead create index on frequently used columns
  • Use them where you have simple predicates e.g equality, inequality. For complex predicates (e.g. LIKE) use distributed.
  • Not rebuilt after PAUSE RESUME operation. Use indexes atop of replicated tables sparingly.
  • Re-cache triggered by the first query that accesses the table (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM TableName)
    • Cache / re-cache is a-synchronous
    • Monitoring Caching state: sys.pdw_replicated_table_cache_state


  • Reference
  • Row vs Column Store
  • Mostly paritioned on date column
  • Benefits
    • Data Loads
      • Avoidance of transaction logging. Partition Switching. Drop partition instead of DELETE.
    • Queries
      • Avoids a full table scan and only scan a smaller subset of data when filtering
  • Parition Sizing
    • A table with too many paritions can hurt performance. A successful partitioning scheme usually has tens to hundreds of partitions, not thousands.
    • For clustered columnstore tables, have min 1mil rows per partition (that is beyond a table distributed amongst 60 distributed databases)
    • Any partitioning added to a table is in addition to the distributions created behind the scenes. If a table contains fewer than the recommended minimum number of rows per partition, consider using fewer partitions in order to increase the number of rows per partition.
  • Core Tech References


  • Reference
  • Indexes - and their impact on storage, retrieval and write / update operations

  • Big Picture and Index Design Guide
  • Indexes (CI, NCI)
    • Better suited for search or predicate based row lookup. Columnstore are suited for narrow, deep, whole of column data access patterns.
    • CI can benefit when specific columns are filtered on. Combine them with NCI to improve filter on other columns. <br
  • Clustered Columnstore indexes
    • By default, dedicated SQL pool creates a clustered columnstore index when no index options are specified on a table. Clustered columnstore tables offer both the highest level of data compression and the best overall query performance, generally outperforming clustered index. They are useful except when
      • you have n/varchar(max) or varbinary(max) datatypes
      • less efficient for transient data and/or when having less thank 60mil rows.
    • Optimize for Performance
      • Compress is optimal when rows >60mil. For less than 60mil rows, use Heaps
      • Check segment quality (vColumnstoreDensity). Optimal rowgroup compression when rows >100K (max can be 1mil). Common reasons for poor index segment quality:
        • memory pressure when rebuidling index
        • high DML operations volume
        • small or trickle load operations
        • too many partitions
    • Resolve segmentation issue by rebuidling index, including CCI.
    • Impact of Index Maintenance: check vColumnstoreDensity.Rebuild_Index_SQL. Use ALTER INDEX REBUILD to resort data using tempdb. Use ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE to go without re-sorted data. Ensure you allocate enough memory to index rebuild session
      • Rebuild index to improve segment quality (using elevated resource class)
      • Rebuild index with CTAS, Parititon Switching
    • Performance Tuning with Ordered CCI
      • CCI vs Ordered CCI
        • CCI by default doesnt order the segment before compression, so segments with overlapping value ranges could cause queries to read more segments
        • With ordered CCI, data is sorted within batch, and not global sorting. If you think data has changed considerably, trigger REBUILD ordered CCI.
          • In dedicate SQL Pool, columnstore REBUILD is offline operation
          • If table is partition, REBUILD is one partition at a time
      • Query Performance, depends on
        • query patterns,
        • size of data,
        • data sorting & physical structure of segments, and
        • DWU and resource class chosen for the query execution
      • Data Load Performance of ordered CCI is similar to paritions
        • Loading data to ordered CCI could be slower than CCI, but retrieval is faster
      • Reducing Segment Overlap
        • Depends on
          • size of data to sort
          • available memory,
          • MAXDOP
        • Options to reduce segment overlap
          • use xlargec with higher DWU
          • create ordered CCI with MAXDOP = 1. Using parallel threads will reduce time but will lead to higher overlapping segments
      • Creating ordered CCI on large tables
        • ordered CCI creation is offline operation, for table no partition - table will be accessible to users after the job is completed
        • consider partitioning with large tables

Temporary Tables

  • Reference
  • Dedicated SQL Pool
    • Temp Tables are created on local SSD
    • In comparison to SQL Server, Dedicated SQL Pool allows you to use temp table outside the USP which created it. They can be used anywhere in the user session. But remember the dependency created.
      • Only session scoped temporary tables are supported. Global Temporary Tables aren’t supported.
      • Views can’t be created on temporary tables.
      • Temporary tables can only be created with hash or round robin distribution. Replicated temporary table distribution isn’t supported.
    • Consider creating / testing performance impact of stats (not auto created on temp tables)
  • Serverless SQL Pool
    • Limited scope and usage.
    • Cant be joined with Data from files. Limited to 100 in count and total size less than 100MB
  • OPENROWSET Function - supports Delta Lake access

External Tables

  • Reference
  • Uses: data source, format of files, table definition


  • Reference
  • Dedicated SQL Pool
    • AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS set to ON (default) - not triggered automatically on External or Temp tables
    • Can be created on one, specific, or all columns in a table
    • Auto creation triggred by SELECT, INSERT-SELECT, CTAS, UPDATE, DELETE, EXPLAIN
    • Update Stats: Daily on Date columns. Sparingly on say Country column (if they hardly get new country added)
    • DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS () WITH state_header, histogram, density_vector. Its different to DBCC SHOW_STATS in SQL Server (ref)
  • Serverless SQL Pool
    • SELECT triggers stats creation for missing stats. Enabled by default for Parquet files, you need to enable to CSV files
    • Automatic creation of statistics is done synchronously so you may incur slightly degraded query performance if your columns are missing statistics
    • Serverless pool recreates stats if data is changed considerable. Older stats are deleted and then recreated.
    • Manual stats are never declared stale! They can be created for single columns only at the moment (e.g. using OPENROWSET).
    • Stats Metadata: ref STATS_DATE() or use catalog views (sys.stats, sys.stats_columns etc.)


  • SQL Server
    • Are ‘compiled’ objects
    • Tied to the referenced tables / views
  • SQL Pool
    • Are conceptualized as defined subqueries
    • Are not compiled and tied to the referenced tables / views
    • SQL Pool Views are fully expanded by the MPP Query optimizer when creating the distributed query plan
    • Can create a complex view, with large number of columns - an Omnibus View
  • Should be
    • Narrow (less columns, avoid omnibus)
    • Abstract to avoid load table complexity (referenced tables can be recreated or replaced without invalidating view)

Materialized Views

  • Reference
  • Common Scenarios
    • Need faster performance with no or minimum query changes
      • eliminate run time data movement (do once and contain)
      • contained aggregation in the query (e.g. MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, COUNT etc)
    • Need different data distribution strategy for faster query performance (including different distribution key) - cant reference another view thought (standard or materialized)
    • Can be Hash or Round robin distributed, auto refreshed (with base table updates)
  • Design Guidance
    • Design for your workload
    • Faster query vs cost (of storage and auto refresh for table UPDATE)
    • Not all performance tuning requires query change (sql optimizer automatically decides to use MatViews where appropriate)
    • Can be created on partitioned tables (support SPLIT/MERGE, but not SWITCH)
    • Monitor materialized views (DBCC PDW_ShowMaterializedViewOverhead)
    • Materialized view and result set caching
    • Check for MatView Overhead
      • DBCC_ShowMaterializedViewOverhead (base_view_rows, total_rows, overhead_ratio)
      • After rebuilding a materialized view, all tracking rows for incremental data changes are eliminated and the view overhead ratio is reduced